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In einem geschlossenen Quadrat kann man die Interaktion von geladenen Partikeln untereinander und mit einem externen Feld simulieren, animieren und ausprobieren.

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Play ball! Add charges to the Field of Dreams and see how they react to the electric field. Turn on a background electric field and adjust the direction and magnitude. (Kevin Costner not included).


Elektrisches-Feld-Hockey (Schieß den Ladungs-Puck mit Hilfe von anderen Ladungen ins Tor)

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Play hockey with electric charges. Place charges on the ice, then hit start to try to get the puck in the goal. View the electric field. Trace the puck's motion. Make the game harder by placing walls in front of the goal. This is a clone of the popular simulation of the same name marketed by Physics Academic Software and written by Prof. Ruth Chabay of the Dept of Physics at North Carolina State University.