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There are millions of geocaches hidden around the world—there are probably some near you right now. Get the free Official Geocaching app and start finding them.

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Smart videos for curious minds of all ages: Science, art, nature, animals, space, technology, DIY, food, music, animation, and more! The Kid Should See This is a free video resource for parents, teachers, and kids of all ages. Watch a huge collection of high-quality, kid-friendly, age appropriate, educational videos together at home, during homeschool, or in the classroom. Click play and start a conversation.


Scitable is a free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by Nature Publishing Group, the world's leading publisher of science.
Diese Webseite ist eine aktuelle Informationsquelle und Referenzdatenbank für die Sachanalyse durch die Lehrkraft. Sie beinhaltet Fachartikel, die anschaulich Forschungsinhalte beschreiben.