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10 Treffer in Edutags

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Through joint projects with other schools, we help you discover new ways of embedding international activities.

Redaktion edutags

Below is a list of educational applications and platforms to help parents, teachers, schools and school systems facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure. While these solutions do not carry UNESCO’s explicit endorsement, they tend to have wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. Most of the solutions are free and several support multiple languages.

If you a digital learning provider and have a robust product that you think warrants inclusion in the list of resources below, please send an email to COVID19taskforce@unesco.org (link sends e-mail).

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Below is a list of educational applications and platforms to help parents, teachers, schools and school systems facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure. While these solutions do not carry UNESCO’s explicit endorsement, they tend to have wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. Most of the solutions

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Ein Glossar mit über 300 aktuellen Definitionen zu Schlüsselbegriffen im Schnittfeld interkultureller Zusammenarbeit, Kultur und Entwicklung

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Smart videos for curious minds of all ages: Science, art, nature, animals, space, technology, DIY, food, music, animation, and more! The Kid Should See This is a free video resource for parents, teachers, and kids of all ages. Watch a huge collection of high-quality, kid-friendly, age appropriate, educational videos together at home, during homeschool, or in the classroom. Click play and start a conversation.

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Shakespeare "doth bestride the narrow world" of the English Renaissance "like a colossus," leaving his contemporaries "walk under his large legs and peep about" to find themselves in "dishonourable graves." This course aims in part to correct this grave injustice by surveying the extraordinary output of playwrights whose names have largely been eclipsed by their more luminous compatriot: Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and Ford, among others. Reading Shakespeare as just one of a group of practitioners -- many of whom were more popular than him during and even after his remarkable career -- will restore, I hope, a sense not just of the richness of English Renaissance drama, but also that of the historical and cultural moment of the English Renaissance itself. This course will examine the relationship between theatre and society through the lens of the drama produced in response to these changes. However, we will not try to map the progress of drama directly onto the social world, as if the former can simply read off the latter. Rather, focusing on discrete issues and problems, we will try to understand the ways in which a particular text not only reflects but responds to and shapes aspects of the culture from which it derives, developing an aesthetic that actively engages its world. The topics addressed over the course of the semester will be wide-ranging but will include: gender and class dynamics in Renaissance society; money, trade, and colonialism; the body as metaphor and theatrical "object"; allegory and aesthetic form; theatricality and meta-theatricality; the private and the public.

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L'OFAJ est une institution favorisant l'échange entre jeunes résidant en France et en Allemagne, sous différentes formes : rencontres dans les domaines de l'éducation, de la culture, du sport et de la vie associative, apprentissage de la langue, soutien financier et pédagogique, séjours, conseils, actualités, dossiers,...

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The role of the European Commission is to address common challenges, such as limits to the mobility of cultural professionals, barriers to finance, and skills deficits.


Viel Information über UK and Great Britain, Royals, food, drinks, money, sports, Schools, customs.