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home categories edtech tools google drive guides chrome tools chromebook apps android apps ipad apps books 4 teachers edtech charts contact 66 Pin It  0inSharePrint!February 17, 2017A huge number of emails we receive from our readers are queries about different features in Google Drive.  And while we have extensively covered Google Drive functionalities in several posts in the past, today we are sharing with you this handy chart that sums up almost everything you need to know to make the best of Google Drive. Clicking on any of the titles below will direct you to a Drive Help page where you will get to learn more about the feature in question. These are all guidelines provided by the folks in Google Drive. Our purpose is to make it easy for you to quickly search, access and find information related any of the important features in Google Drive from learning how to use Drive files offline to learning how to manage and restore your device back-ups in Google Drive