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File:Testis.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schnee | 11.7.2013 | 20:21

GIF animation of an adult human testicle showing the flow of spermatozoa through the system of ducts and tubules.

Diagram of an adult human testicle: A.) Blood vessels; B.) Head of epididymis; C.) Efferent ductules; D.) Seminiferous tubules; E.) Parietal lamina of tunica vaginalis; F.) Visceral lamina of tunica vaginalis; G.) Cavity of tunica vaginalis; H.) Tunica albuginea; I.) Lobule of testis; J.) Tail of epididymis; K.) Body of epididymis; L.) Mediastinum; M.) Vas deferens.

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