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I have been experimenting with the Minecraft Graphics Turtle I created, its a typical graphics turtle in that you issue it commands such as forward, backward, left, right but you can also tell it to go up and down and go 3d!

I wanted to create something that took advantage of the 3d world available in Minecraft and decided to see if I could make some 3d fractals. Fractals are repeating patterns which when observed at different scales appear the same - I know that sounds like rubbish, but that's what they are!


Auf der I/O Entwicklerkonferenz hat Google die neue VR-Brille "Cardboard" vorgestellt. Es handelt sich um ein Gestell aus Pappe, mit dem man sein Smartphone in ein Virtuell-Reality-Display umwandeln kann. Mit dieser Datenbrille erzeugt man vor den Augen ein faszinierende, dreidimensionales, virtuelles Bild.