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Informationen zur Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) und den 20 lutherischen, reformierten und unierten Landeskirchen. Telefon 0800-5040602

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Informationen zur Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) und den 20 lutherischen, reformierten und unierten Landeskirchen. Telefon 0800-5040602


She is working successfully in Germany with Geo-Caching events, have a look at her WS- she is also doing this in cities- I talked to her and I think this is very interesting and we might be able to apply a lot of her stuff in BCN. She specializes in children-birthdays up til now. But she is currently investing in an app- which is due for summer where people can easily create their own geo-caching tours- so this is really something to explore…